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Our Philosophy

Our philosophy is our commitment to providing high quality care, drawing on The Rights of the Child, the National Quality Framework and a range of theorists who combined, provide a tapestry of theories, ideas, possibilities and opportunities for us to imagine what quality early education is and can be. These theoretical positions include the Reggio Emilia approach, John Bowlby’s study of early attachment and Uri Bronfenbrenner’s theory that a child’s environment influences their growth and development.

Our family owned services share three core values: Our Community (staff, children, families and the wider community), The Whole Child (meeting the holistic needs of every child) and Earth to Sky (being aware of our environmental footprint and living a sustainable life).

Our Community

Our relationships with children and families are strengthened as we consistently explore and develop a deeper understanding of the diversity and culture of families and the broader community. We respectfully acknowledge and share our knowledge of the Whadjuk Noongar people as the first traditional custodians of this land on which we teach.

We believe the quality of each child’s environment influences how they grow and develop and acknowledge families as children’s first and most influential educators. We provide ongoing, high quality professional development for our teams to ensure each Educator has a deep understanding of the holistic needs of each child and can reach their full potential.

We respect and welcome all contributions from children, families and community members to our shared space of play and learning. By creating an inclusive environment our curriculum is enriched and each child’s sense of belonging and development is enhanced, helping to create a strong foundation for lifelong learning.

Children and educators singing community welcome song at Keiki Early learning Trinity

The Whole Child

kindy aged girl doing yoga meditation pose at early learning school

We believe every child is born full of potential with an innate desire to learn and explore their world.

Our highly experienced teams provide beautiful, thoughtful environments where children are invited and encouraged to make their own choices, to explore the arts, enjoy physical play, practice mindfulness and develop meaningful, positive relationships with others.

We understand that every child learns at their own pace, so we facilitate children to direct their own learning experience with a focus on their particular interests and needs. We follow the individual ‘meander’ of each child’s beautiful learning journey, observing, co-constructing learning together and sharing the joys of wonder and discovery.

We believe the emotional needs of every child must be met first to enable them to participate, play and learn. Each child’s growing competence and confidence is supported in many ways, from the provision of healthy nutritious meals to flexible play spaces for physical activity.

Earth to Sky

Following in the steps of the Noongar people we empower children to develop a true appreciation and love of the natural environment and its relationship to their world. Free flow play and learning environments provide children with open access to beautiful outdoor garden areas and natural play resources.

We encourage children to love and appreciate their world by being part of the environment and connecting with nature in their own way. Our role is to encourage children’s wonder and investigation of nature, modelling protection and care of the environment through conversations, projects and taking real action. As we model practices of sustainability, care and love for the environment we share important values which children and families will take with them long after they leave our care.

two girls planting herbs in wheelbarrow with childrens gloves and spades
